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Live Tango Weekend

4, 5, 6 Απριλίου, TANGART

Η φωνή του Buenos Aires.

Ο καλύτερος τραγουδιστής

Αργεντίνικου Τάνγκο σήμερα!


Συνοδεύεται από τον μαέστρο

της κιθάρας RAUL KIOKIO

Tango Dancers:

Cedric Basso & Eloïse Weiss Dubray

Grigoris Tsitses & Alexia Mourtidou

Alejandro Larenas & Marisol Morales





20:00 - 21:30
Cedric Basso & Eloïse Weiss Dubray


21:30 - 2:00
Show: Γρηγόρης Τσιτσές & Αλεξία Μουρτίδου

Dj set: Εμμανουέλα

ΣΑΒΒΑΤΟ 05/04 


13:00 - 14:30
Γρηγόρης Τσιτσές & Αλεξία Μουρτίδου


14:45 - 16:15
Cedric Basso & Eloïse Weiss Dubray

«Τα φώτα του Μπουένος Άιρες»
21:00 ( Οι πόρτες ανοίγουν 20:30)

Ένα τραπέζι, μερικές καρέκλες, ένα μπουκάλι κρασί και τα ποτήρια του...
Μια από τις πιο εμβληματικές φωνές του αργεντίνικου τάνγκο θα σπάσει τη σιωπή συνοδευόμενη από έναν σπουδαίο δεξιοτέχνη της κιθάρας.
Στις σκιές, ο χορός θα αναδυθεί σε μια ειλικρινή αγκαλιά, για να ξεσκεπάσει τους στίχους.
Το τάνγκο στην πιο αγνή του μορφή.
Μακριά από το «τάνγκο για εξαγωγή», από τη λάμψη και τα θεαματικά του είδωλα, οι πρωταγωνιστές -μια εξαιρετική συγκέντρωση καλλιτεχνών-
θα υφάνουν μια νέα ποιητική ιστορία για τον υπόκοσμο...

«Τα φώτα του Μπουένος Άιρες»

Η πιο αντιπροσωπευτική φωνή του Μπουένος Άιρες, WALTER «CHINO» LABORDE
με τη συνοδεία του αρχικιθαρίστα RAUL KIOKIO.

Επαγγελματίες χορευτές:
Cedric Basso & Eloïse Weiss Dubray
Γρηγόρης Τσιτσές & Αλεξία Μουρτίδου
Alejandro Larenas & Marisol Morales



15:00 - 16:30
Alejandro Larenas & Marisol Morales

MILONGON Ζωντανή μουσική "A BAILAR"

17:00 - 24:00
Show: Cedric & Eloïse | 20:00
Ζωντανή μουσική: Walter «Chino» Laborde & Raúl Kiokio | 21:00
Dj sets: Γιώργος Μπότσας & Ivon Carolina


Walter ‘Chino’ Laborde, voice. (from Argentina)The ‘cantor de tango’ of Buenos Aires. At the turnof the 21st century, Chino Laborde was first the recognizable voice of the first tango-rock group, the Orquesta Típica Fernández Fierro, with which he toured the world. He would remain with this a taste for the night and the stage, which he used to embody key figures in the history of tango in musical, theater pieces or on Argentine television. This total character, a charismatic singer but also an actor, is adored by all the dancers withwhom his voice literally plays and for whom he performs with the best orchestras (La Sans souci, Solo Tango, etc.), as well as by fans of intimate guitar-voice concerts. When he brings forgotten tangos back into fashion, in a sort of archaeology of popular culture in Buenos Aires, each song is a story, a piece of life, and the opportunity for a unique interpretation, perpetually reinvented, for this total character, a popular singer with unbridled cheekiness who seems to be playing for his life at each concert.Nominated for the Premio Konex Best Tango Singer 2005-2015

Raúl Kiokio, guitar maestro (from Argentina)

Is one of the most original guitarists of the current tango scene. With a completely orthodox training, he has made it his way of understanding and interpreting this repertoire. He began his studies with Esteban Morgado at the age of 15, then with Maestro Abel Carlevaro, and continued his apprenticeship in Madrid with many great names in guitar, while already beginning a professional career in tango, folklore and Brazilian music.
He has an international career and stands out
for a unique harmonic understanding and a particular technique that gives him an aura of a guitarist gifted for improvisation with a personal vocabulary within the language of the guitar.
He accompanied many artists like Vinicio Caposella, Franco Luciani, Luis Salinas, Paloma San Basilio, Mavi Diaz, Juan Falú, Maria Volonte, Olga Roman, Carmen Paris, Sara Vega, Alfredo Casero, Juan Esteban Cuacci, Federico Lechner, Javier Masso “Caramelo”, Andy Chango, Carlos Wernicke, Blas Rivera, Sara Van, among others.

Cedric Basso & Eloïse Weiss Dubray (from Switzerland)

Tango finds Eloïse and Cédric in 2006. Since then, it’s been a constant search and study of the
tango culture, both together and on separate paths. They have studied mainly with Mariano
“Chicho” Fumboli & Juana Sepulveda, but also have different influences like Corina Herrera, Moira
Castellano and Carlitos Espinoza among others.
Today, Eloïse & Cédric teach tango in Lausanne, Switzerland, at CocoGardel Tango Studio and in
the Lemanic region. Jointly, they organize the summer festival “Riviera Tango Fiesta”, bringing live
music and dance together in a vivid expression of the tango culture through shows, concerts,
milongas and the participation of many artists.
As dance teachers, they strongly believe tango to be a universal language accessible to all. Their
pedagogy is thus oriented towards simplicity and efficiency with a fair part of fun, allowing for
students to enjoy tango through improvisation and communication/dialogue in the couple.
The approach is definitely modern and follows the contemporaneous evolution of tango, but never
forgetting the legacy of the classical and typical components of the dance.

Grigoris Tsitses & Alexia Mourtidou (from Greece)

Alexia Mourtidou and Grigoris Tsitses discovered Argentine Tango in 2009 and 2010 respectively and have been dedicated to it ever since. They have attended classes with renowned maestros/as in Greece, Europe and Argentina, while they have been dancing and teaching together since 2015 in Thessaloniki and other cities in Greece.
They are co-owners of the dance and theater venue Studio 29A Artspace and organizers of Milonga Sin Palabras and other events since 2016, while occasionally organizing events with renowned dancers and DJs.
Their approach to Tango has as its central axis the embrace, connection and communication. Their goal is for their students to find their unique dance personality within the milonga, with respect for the music, their partners and other dancers.

Alejandro Larenas & Marisol Morales (from Argentina)

Exploring was a mission, understanding a need and learning a desire.
Their studies have always been motivated by curiosity to understand tango evolution from its roots.

Their dancing ranges from pure tradition to mind blowing innovation. Rich in musicality, spotless technique and a very skillful and precise teaching method to explain this popular dance. When it comes to dancing it is all about improvisation!

During the pandemic, they held online seminars that helped people understand tango as a dancing culture. They shared all their personal search at the social, expressive level, tango music curiosities and analysis of the dance and its structure. Once more they proven that a problem can be transformed into an opportunity. This drastic experience that we all lived in those 2 years gives us the chance to help students go deep in tango.
Marisol participated in the Diplomatura of the Instituto Argentino de Tango 2021, where she did an intervention to present her research about tango dance development in the golden age.

Alejandro & Marisol started dancing tango in 1998, in 2004 they had crossed their path and they became a professional couple.

Since then they have been teaching and performing to renowned places in Buenos Aires such as Club Gricel, La Ideal, Cochabamba 444, La Viruta Tango, Salon Canning, Practica X, El Motivo Tango, Viva la Pepa Milonga, at the show "Tango new Generation "held under the CITA International Tango Festival (2006, 2007) and Misterio Tango Festival Argentina (2017).

They have made more than 35 tango tours all around the world to participate in Seminars, Shows and Tango Festivals, including highlights: Montreal Tango Festival (2006 - 2009), The International Festival of Rimini (2009), 13 Hamburg Tango Festival (2010), 14 Anniversary Universo Tango (2011), San Remo Tango Festival (2010), TangOtoño Innsbruck (2010), Tangoconsharm, Egypt (2010), The Smith Tango Festival in Santa Monica, Los Angeles. (2010), International Istanbul Tango Week (2011). Festivalito de primavera, Zurich (2012). Lisbon Tango Festival (2013). Marca de Tango Festival, Treviso.(2013- 2018). Washington Tango Weekend (2014), Istanbul Tango Experience (2015), Pisa Tango Festival (2015), Meditango Festival, Roma (2015), Days of tango Festival Saint Petersburg (2015 -2016), Philadelphia Tango Festival (2016), Australian Tango Festival (2017), Toronto Tango Festival (2014-2016-2019), Porteño Tango week in Sydney (2019) Karlsruhe Tango Festival (2019), Beijing Tango Marathon and Seminar (2019). Romantica Istanbul Festival 2022. Bailongo Tango Festival 2023.

In 2011 they started collaborating at a tango school in Athens, Tangart. Since 2019 they are part of the direction of this school.

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